The majority of bicycle accidents are avoidable and preventable. In fact, these incidents typically occur when one or more persons on the road are negligent or noncompliant with traffic regulations. Unfortunately, negligence is all too common in Orange County and throughout the Golden State at large; it is responsible for thousands of severe injuries and fatalities annually.

Unfortunately, nearly 550 bicyclists were injured or killed in California traffic crashes over the last year alone. Of course, all bicyclists and motorists alike have an obligation to exercise caution and attentiveness in order to mitigate the occurrence of these accidents.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Traffic Rules

The safety of pedestrians and cyclists on California roads is becoming an increasingly pressing issue. As a result, the law is providing greater safeguards and rights to those who are more vulnerable when using the road.

If a pedestrian is not acting recklessly, police officers in California are prohibited from issuing a penalty for jaywalking under the California Vehicle Code. However, pedestrians are still encouraged to use caution.

There will be several improvements for cyclists. For instance, throughout this year, pedestrian walk crossings are slated to be open to bikes. Overtaking a bicycle now requires vehicle drivers to switch lanes (if one is available) rather than just allowing them three feet of space. Violation of these traffic laws can ultimately affect the proportion of fault assigned should an auto accident claim be filed with an insurance company or go to court.

Where Can Cyclists Ride in California?

Bicyclists are permitted to ride wherever they please so long as they are passing or keeping up with the flow of traffic. When traveling at a reduced speed compared to the traffic, you may “take the lane” if the space is insufficiently broad to accommodate a bicycle and a vehicle side-by-side.

Regardless, bicycle riders are required by law to maintain a safe distance from the left side of the road, with the exception of the following circumstances: passing, approaching an area where a right turn is permitted, avoiding roadway hazards, when the lane is too narrow to share, or when preparing to make a left turn.

Are Cyclists Limited to Bike Lanes in California?

Except when making a left turn, passing, averting hazardous conditions, or approaching a location where a right turn is permitted, cyclists traveling at a reduced speed than traffic must utilize the bike lane on a roadway equipped with a bike lane in California.

That said, a cyclist is not required to utilize the “protected bike lane.” After posts, vehicle parking, or any other obstruction is utilized to divide a bike lane from moving traffic, the legal designation changes from “bike lane” to “separated bikeway.” As such, outside the separated bikeway, you are permitted to ride for any reason.

Moreover, mopeds and electric scooters capable of greater speeds differ from conventional bicycles. Unless authorized by local authorities, gas-powered bicycles, and type three electric bicycles (with maximum assisted speeds of 28 mph) are prohibited from use on trails, bike paths, and bike lanes. In addition, they are prohibited from operation by individuals under the age of 16 and require the use of a helmet at all times during operation.

Finally, the use and operation of bicycles (including motorized bikes) is generally restricted on freeways or expressways throughout the state, specifically where such operation is prohibited by the local authorities, such as the California Highway Patrol or the California Department of Transportation.

Bicycle Laws & Safety Tips in California

Below are a few additional pointers and laws bicyclists should be aware of to ensure that they stay safe on our roadways:

  • Wearing a helmet: When operating a bicycle, cyclists and bicycle passengers under the age of 18 are required to wear an approved helmet.
  • No headphones: Earplugs or headsets that conceal both ears are prohibited for cyclists. Hearing aid use is permitted, however.
  • Cell phone usage: Unlike motorists, cyclists are permitted to operate a portable mobile phone during their journey. Still, it’s important for cyclists to keep their eyes on the road and stay cautious.
  • Cycling under the influence: Bicyclists are prohibited from riding while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
  • Hitching while on a bicycle: Attaching oneself to vehicles or “hitching” transportation by grabbing onto another type of motor vehicle is strictly prohibited for cyclists across California. Similarly, bicyclists are prohibited from carrying any object that would impede the use of at least one hand on the handlebars.
  • Right of way for cyclists: Bicyclists are required to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians when proceeding through intersections or within crosswalks that are not clearly marked. Additionally, cyclists are required to concede the right-of-way to pedestrians who are completely or partially blind and use a guide dog or a predominantly white cane.

Call an Orange County Bicycle Accident Lawyer

If a bicycle accident resulted in your injury or the death of a family member, contact an Orange County bicycle accident attorney immediately for a free assessment of your potential case. At Beckerman Anderson, our bicycle accident attorneys are equipped with the skills and experience necessary to secure the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Beckerman Anderson is a personal injury law firm specializing in representing Orange County clients who have suffered grievous injuries in bicycle wrecks caused by negligence. Bicycle accidents result in near-daily occurrences of fatalities and injuries to the neck, spinal cord, and brain.

Regardless of whether you ride for recreation, transportation, or sport, our seasoned bicycle accident attorneys can advance your legal interests. We will utilize our years of experience to fight insurance companies on your behalf and assist you in obtaining the necessary compensation to move forward.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a bike accident, do not hesitate to seek counsel from attorneys specializing in these cases to safeguard your legal interests. You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Our Orange County-area bicycle accident attorneys can be reached at 949-409-4242 for a free first consultation and review of your accident claim.