California is the most populous state in the nation, which unquestionably compounds the number of car accidents that occur across the state. Furthermore, California is home to Los Angeles, the nation’s second-largest metropolis. Due to the high number of cars and drivers in California, our state is, unfortunately, a national accident hotspot.

For instance, the California Highway Patrol estimates that over 150,000 vehicle wrecks yearly in the Golden State result in injuries, and 2,800 accidents result in fatalities.

What’s more, California has one of the nation’s highest rates of traffic deaths, ranking amongst the top three states nationally in terms of traffic-related fatalities. For instance, about 3,260 drivers, passengers, and pedestrians were killed in 2020 alone. This number is second only to the roughly 3,900 deaths that occurred in Texas.

But what are the most common causes and types of vehicle crashes in Orange County and throughout the Golden State? Although every collision is unique, there are similarities in how they occur. Furthermore, being aware of the most prevalent causes in our state might help you avert an accident.

Common Causes of Vehicle Wrecks in Orange County

State and federal authorities compile studies detailing the most common types of car crashes based on data collected from accidents. Some of the most often claimed causes of auto accidents in Orange County and California on the whole include:

  • Careless or distracted driving: Distracted driving is the leading cause of car accidents each year in the United States, and California is no exception. Distracted driving encompasses a broad range of behaviors that divert a driver’s focus from the safe operation of their vehicle.
  • Reckless driving: Unfortunately, all too many motorists drive recklessly, whether they’re speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, or ignoring the rules of the road altogether. The purpose of traffic signals and signs is to help drivers predict the behavior of other motorists in the area. Thus, these accidents can also be caused by various movement violations, such as not yielding the right of way, making an unlawful turn, or disregarding a stop sign or red light.
  • Drunk driving or driving under the influence (DUI): Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is unlawful under any circumstances, and those found guilty may face severe consequences, including loss of driving privileges and even jail time.
  • Speeding: As mentioned above, speeding can fall under reckless driving but also stands on its own as a frequent cause of California collisions. The likelihood of an accident occurring and the severity of any subsequent injuries both rise sharply when drivers exceed the speed limit. If you cause an accident while speeding, you might be held liable for the other driver’s losses, and a reckless driving penalty is also possible.
  • Poor vehicle maintenance: When drivers become aware of problems with their vehicles’ mechanical systems, it is their responsibility to fix them. If an accident happens because of your failure to do so, you might be held liable. That said, the producer of a defective vehicle or part may be considered responsible for an accident if their product is shown to be defective, and a mechanic may be held at fault for an accident if they fail to perform proper vehicle maintenance.

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding a vehicle accident, filing an insurance claim against the at-fault motorist is a necessary first step toward financial restitution. Moreover, filing a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault driver may be necessary if their insurance coverage is insufficient to cover your damages.

What is the Top Cause of California Auto Accidents?

In California and the rest of the United States, distracted driving is nearly always listed as the leading cause of car crashes. Even though California has prohibited using handheld mobile and electronic devices while driving, cell phone use remains a leading cause of accidents throughout the state.

How to Prevent Car Crashes in Orange County

Though accidents are sometimes unavoidable, practicing defensive driving techniques can greatly lessen your chances of being involved in a crash or being held at fault for a wreck.

This includes keeping one’s attention on the road and other drivers, obeying traffic signs and signals, and watching out for potentially hazardous road conditions. You can’t prevent every accident from happening, but you can lessen the chances that you’ll be the one who causes one.

Furthermore, after a vehicle crash, your priority should be safeguarding your health and legal rights, so check for injuries and wait for authorities to dispatch paramedics if you’ve sustained serious wounds.

Even if you think your injuries are minor, you should get checked out as soon as you can by a qualified medical provider. Once you’ve gotten treatment for your injuries, contact an attorney to discuss your potential claim.

Contacting a Lawyer After an Orange County Wreck

If the damage to your car was minor and you weren’t seriously hurt, you may be able to file a claim with your insurance company and handle the aftermath of a crash on your own.

However, if your injuries are severe, your losses exceed available insurance coverage, or the at-fault motorist disputes your version of the facts, you should seek the counsel of an experienced personal injury attorney.

Call Beckerman Anderson in Orange County

All too often, vehicle accidents result in serious injuries and major financial losses for victims. Victims are left to worry about who will cover their medical expenditures or how their families will be supported throughout their recovery.

Thankfully, a legal team specializing in personal injury claims in in Orange County can provide you with crucial guidance about the aftermath of a crash and preparing your case. Auto accident lawsuits are now the most popular kind of personal injury case in our courts, and our team at Beckerman Anderson is well-versed in these types of claims.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a vehicle accident, do not hesitate to seek counsel from attorneys specializing in auto accident cases to safeguard your legal interests. Our Orange County-area auto accident attorneys can be reached at 949-409-4242 for a free first consultation and review of your accident claim.