After being involved in a car accident, getting medical attention quickly should always be your main priority. Moreover, prompt medical care and documentation greatly benefit any potential claim or lawsuit you may later file.

But why is seeking medical attention after a personal injury so important? Read below to learn more about getting the medical care you need after an injury-causing accident, and if you have questions about your claim, contact a law firm specializing in personal injury. An efficient Orange County personal injury attorney can offer you and your family advice about what to do in the aftermath of a car or other type of personal injury-causing accident.

Seeking Medical Care After a Car Accident

One of the most crucial things you can do if you’ve been in a car wreck is to be checked out by a doctor. This also applies to workplace accidents, slip-and-falls, dog attacks, or some other kind of incident.

First and foremost, injured victims may not feel the pain or other indications of injuries such as concussions, internal bleeding, and fractured bones for hours or even days after the accident in question. For instance, it’s common for whiplash injury symptoms to appear several hours after a car accident. You may think you’re fine and leave the accident with no medical care, only to find later that evening or the next day that you are in extreme pain and need to go to the doctor.

This is one of many reasons why seeing a doctor for a thorough examination immediately is vital, even if your injuries do not seem serious or if you believe they will go away on their own. Suppose you don’t go to the doctor right after the accident. In that case, you may find it difficult to get the negligent party’s insurance company to pay for your medical bills, which could hinder your ability to recover and move on with your life.

Moreover, avoiding the risk to one’s health and well-being is another fundamental reason to seek medical treatment after an accident. Your doctor can better treat your injuries and aid your recovery by thoroughly examining and making an accurate diagnosis. Furthermore, a qualified medical provider can detect unseen injuries, which may save you from future hospital visits and lifelong health problems.

Establishing a Treatment Plan For Accident Injuries

In that same vein, the extent of your injuries and, thus, the best course of treatment can only be determined by your doctor. This guarantees timely, proper care for your injuries and also offers documentation in the event of a future personal injury claim.

It is important that you follow your doctor’s indications and prescriptions, not only to achieve a full recovery, but also to have detailed proof of your treatment in case you decide to take legal action against the party accountable for your accident.

Obtaining Records of Your Injury and Treatment

Likewise, your injuries, diagnosis, and treatment plan developed by your doctor will be meticulously recorded. If you want to file a personal injury claim in California, having a written statement from your doctor detailing your injuries and treatment is essential, given that financial awards and settlements often include provisions for payment of past and future medical expenses. Once again, prompt, thorough medical treatment is essential to your recovery and legal needs.

When filing for compensation after an accident, these medical records are crucial. Keep any paperwork from your doctor’s office in one place, as you will need it to prove your case for financial compensation if and when you file a claim.

However, ensure you review your medical records and files as you proceed with your treatment. Your stated symptoms and the care you received should be reflected accurately. Additionally, your doctor should record preexisting conditions and other aspects of your medical history. Oftentimes, a defendant’s legal team will try to pin your injuries or pain on preexisting health problems, so delineating the differences between any existing conditions and new injuries or issues from an accident is a must for your claim.

Similarly, discrepancies, if found, must be resolved immediately. Once again, your prospects of obtaining fair and full compensation may be threatened if an insurance adjuster or the other party’s lawyers can use your medical history to cast doubt on your claim that your injuries were caused by your accident.

Getting Medical Care After an Auto Accident

A prime example of a personal injury accident that victims may not take seriously is a vehicle crash. All too often, victims believe that they don’t need to be hospitalized or even seek basic medical care after a car accident.

That said, you must always seek medical attention after an auto accident. Do not wait for the police if you are hurt and need quick medical attention: call 911 or have someone else call on your behalf. If possible, leave your contact information with the other driver(s) if you are being transported to an emergency room by another person versus paramedics. Taking these steps in the aftermath of a crash is particularly important, given California law on reporting vehicle accidents.

You can also ask whether the other motorist is injured or needs medical aid. But if the other motorist is pressuring you to take responsibility for the collision, kindly request that he or she contact your insurance company and make sure an official California traffic accident report is made by officers.

Can I File a Claim without Seeking Proper Medical Care?

Over the last few years, adjusters reviewing insurance claims have increasingly used complex computer systems for their evaluations. These algorithms and systems don’t factor in real-world scenarios that may delay medical care. For example, many victims go without medical care because they believe their injuries are minor, lack access to a qualified provider, cannot afford medical care, or otherwise assume their injuries will heal on their own.

Unfortunately, these programs penalize victims who don’t seek regular medical care. As another example, some algorithms may reduce the value of a claim if a victim does not seek care or follow up on their injuries at least once every 30 days. When a victim does not get any medical attention for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or longer, this is known as a “gap in treatment.”

After you’ve sought medical care for your injuries, it’s equally important to consult a personal injury lawyer. Skilled defense attorneys and insurance adjusters know how to take advantage of victims and delays in treatment to the at-fault party’s advantage, lowering the value of your personal injury claim. Having a skilled attorney by your side is a must to protect your rights and build a strong case.

Call an Orange County Personal Injury Attorney

People who get injured in accidents they did not cause are often concerned about who will pay for their medical expenses and how their families will be cared for throughout their recovery, knowing it’s essential that you get the care you need after a personal injury. This makes filing a personal injury lawsuit crucial to your recovery because it will help ensure you get the financial support necessary to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and more.

You may be eligible for compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages as well. Our Orange County car accident lawyers at Beckerman Anderson can be reached at 949-474-2254. Contact us as soon as possible after your car crash so that we can help you secure the justice and fair compensation you deserve.